ମ୍ୟୁନିସିପାଲ ମହାବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ
ରାଉରକେଲା - ୭୬୯୦୧୨
ଜିଲ୍ଲା : ସୁନ୍ଦରଗଡ, ପିନ : ୭୬୯୦୧୨, ଓଡିଶା
District: Sundargarh, Pin: 769012, Odisha

Academic > Admission


Admission Procedure (+3) Stream:

Admission into +3 Classes and +2 classes are made through online called e-admission procedure adopted by SAMS for different colleges in the State of Odisha.

The advertisements are made on T.V., newspaper, college notice board and web site www.samsodisha.gov.in. The applicants are directed to read common prospectus (CP) carefully before filling the online CAF.

The rules and regulations for deposition of admission fees, method of selection, reservation and weightage are described in common prospectus every year.


Rules and regulations of college:

  1. Every student should come to college with proper uniform (separate for +2 and +3 students)
  2. Every student should posses the valid identity card.
  3. An academic atmosphere must be maintained inside and outside the class room as well as in campus.
  4. The students should take their seats before the teacher enters the class room and should not leave their seats during lecture.
  5. The students are not allowed to use mobile phone in college campus and class room ordinarily.
  6. The students are not allowed to indulge in public activities which are political in nature.
  7. All students are punishable individually or collectively if they cause any damage to college property.
  8. Students can lodge their legitimate grievances before Principal or the grievance cell of the college.
  9. The students shall park their vehicle in vehicle stand.
  10. Spitting on walls, floors, pillars and doors of the college is strictly prohibited.
  11. Students found guilty of serious misconduct or indisciplined activities are liable to be expelled.