ମ୍ୟୁନିସିପାଲ ମହାବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ
ରାଉରକେଲା - ୭୬୯୦୧୨
ଜିଲ୍ଲା : ସୁନ୍ଦରଗଡ, ପିନ : ୭୬୯୦୧୨, ଓଡିଶା
District: Sundargarh, Pin: 769012, Odisha



The college has the requisite infrastructure as follows:

  • Main block for its office, lecture-theatres (galleries), halls, class-rooms, laboratories and toilets
  • Separate Common Room for Boys & Girls with attached toilets. Newspaper, periodicals & various indoor games are provided to the students.
  • Fully computerised library with reading rooms having more than 16,000 thousand books & 20 journels.
  • Computer room with adequate number of computers
  • Play ground right in front of college building on which different games, inter-college tournaments, athletic meets are regularly organised. The college is well-euipped with all kinds of sports-goods, especially for Hockey to groom the young talents of Sundergarh district.
  • Canteen
  • Coffee Corner
  • Botanical Garden enrich with many ornamental & medicinal plants. Seasonal flower beds drape the sorrounding to build pure & picturesque spectacle.
  • An open Air Auditorium to stage cultural activities.
  • U.G.C sponsored Network Resource Centre having required infrasructure and 24*7 broadband connection. This has added to our teaching & learning capabilities to a great extent.
  • Proposal to build 72 seated Women's Hostel cater to the need of the girl students of scheduled tribe dominated peripheral area is pending with the UGC.